Saturday, February 19, 2005

More Stuff For Me!

I have decided that I am going to start making more stuff for myself and family. I don't knit much stuff to keep at all really. I make some stuff for gifts, but mostly it seems I am knitting baby sets that I end up selling, or stuff for birthday gifts for some of my boys' friends. Once the order is done that I am working on now I am determined to finish the sweater I started for myself last summer. I have been surfing webrings today (absolutely pitifully boring at work here today, can't wait til 4 so I can go home) and just love looking at what others are making. I want to knit some sweaters for the boys as well. Logan wore one yesterday that I had knit for Darren when he was that size. The patterns starts at size 4 and goes up to adult x-large. I have always wanted to make one for Darren and one for myself as well. Yesterday was the first time I tried that sweater on Logan, and there wasn't a lot of extra room. May have to make him the next size up.

I have added a link on the sidebar call "How to Unravel a Sweater". I have never recycled yarn before. I think I will check the local Frenchy's out and see what I can find. Nice yarns can get expensive, and I don't want to spend a fortune, especially on yarn to knit up for the boys. Can't see me spending $75 on yarn to knit a sweater for a 2 or 5 year old. When it comes right down to it I guess I am a cheapskate! But too, at their ages they don't think about Mommy spending all that money and taking all that time to make them a nice, warm handknit sweater. They don't care if they upset food all over it, get if full of mud, wipe their noses on the sleeves - you know, typical kid stuff. And my boys are cavemen! Wild, rough and tumble, and not very graceful and are always in a mess! That is too why I stick to acrylic so I can machine wash and dry them.

Check this out this neat little item I saw on one of the blogs today:

Thought that was a neat little idea. My mother uses a hot water bottle a lot, so maybe I will make one for her.

Well, only two more hours to go. Think I will soon mop the floor and continue my surfing.

Happy Knitting!


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