Monday, June 16, 2008


So the WWKIP day at our store went pretty well. Pop on over here or here to see pictures. I forgot my camera, but the boss used the store's camera. However, I couldn't get it to upload the pictures so I could save them to my Flickr. Luckily a couple of the others remembered their cameras. I was very happy that Marti got a 35% slip, Heddy a 30% slip, and KnitWeir and Nova Knitter each got 25%. I was working, so I missed out on the road trip to Have a Yarn. I did send Heddy off with a slip with four Trekking XXL colors listed in order of my preference. They had sock yarn 25% off. I got my second color choice. This will eventually be Muscari socks from the new Knitty.

I picked this up at our store. I've been wanting to make Broadripples with it since seeing these ones. Must...have...turquoise print...Broadripples...

I also picked up two more Handicrafters cuz the Oldest One wants two dishcloths for his classroom helper. I have until Monday to make the four I need for his class. I have tonight and tomorrow to knock off three-and-a-half for the Littlest One's teacher and two helpers. His last day of preschool is Wednesday. His graduation is next Wednesday, then it's off to big school in September.

The Littlest One was sick Saturday night and slept in with us. I woke up around 2:30 and went to shove him back closer to the wall. I didn't know he had his hand kinda up in the air, and I ran into it with my eyeball. By seven I couldn't stand it any longer. I called outpatients, and they said to come up around 8. I called Dad to take me up cuz there was no way I could drive. The doctor on call was like, "Did you report this assault to the RCMP?" Anyways, he froze my eye, took a look, and sure enough, just what I figured, I have a bad scratch on it. So I have prescription ointment drops for seven days. Doesn't feel too bad now. It gets kinda gritty feeling at times, and the sunshine makes it water. I went to the post office a couple of times today, and I had that eye shut when I was outside. When I went back into work it was red and watery again. Of course I wear glasses but don't have any sunglass clips for either pair of glasses I own. The rest of the week is supposed to be cloudy and rainy, so it should be easier on the eye.

Please go here and see this, it's too cute!

Happy knitting!


Blogger Monika said...

Wow, you've got your hands full, with finishing gift knits! Nice sock yarn you've got there. Hope your eye will heal fast!

9:22 PM  
Blogger Marti said...

I can have the constable stop by and have a little chat with him if you like... :) I have some errands to run, so perhaps I'll stop by the store and show off The Egg. Sorry to hear about your eye...I hope it's better soon.

9:36 AM  
Blogger Donna M said...

Hope your eye gets better soon. That is so annoying because you keep blinking, even though it hurts and irritates, you can't stop blinking. Unless they patch it or something!
Knit on!

9:37 AM  
Blogger Dorothy said...

Hope your eye feels better soon!

If I was handy I'd whip up those dishcloths for you.

5:13 PM  

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