Saturday, April 22, 2006

One Missing Needle Found, One To Go

I went to start the second sleeve to the sweater for the store, and I couldn't find one of the 4.5mm needles. I looked in the closet where I had the yarn and already finished pieces of the sweater stored, couldn't find it. Then when I went to work on the Ma-in-Law's Ma's Day socks (say that five times fast!) I couldn't find one of those needles. It was in my knitting basket. I took everything out and gave it a quick look - nothing. I had to get out another one. I will take everything out again and look better. It may have slipped inside one of the books I have in there. I ended up going on the 4.5mm needle search again this morning. I do have a bamboo set, but they are in use for another project, and I didn't want to use one steel, one bamboo. I decided to haul stuff out of the closet and did end up finding it, so now I'm back in business.

Here's what the second Ma-in-Law sock looked like on Thursday afternoon:

Here's what it looked like Thursday night at almost midnight, along with sock #1:

Here's what they looked like this morning. I tried to finish them last night but kept dozing off, and I didn't want to mess up the toe shaping:

It's been sunny out for the past few days but very windy. Temperatures are supposed to be getting a bit higher, too. We played outside yesterday after school/work. We are getting ready to go out in a little bit, too. The boys will play, I will sit in the sun and work on the sleeve. The top picture is the ring toss/horseshoe set they got for Easter.

I forgot to post a pic of the boys on the truck from nearly a month ago! (That's how long he's been gone this trip. )

We're trying a points system devised by the brilliant Alison for her boys. Good behaviour = points = money for Lego. So far it's working for Darren. Logan is a bit too little yet to really understand the whole concept. But Darren has ADHD, so it was worth a try. I hope it continues to be successful! He's been on the website looking at things he likes and seeing how much they cost.

Lastly, here's a couple of shots of some of my daffodils that opened a few days ago. They are droopy, so I had to hold them up. My tulips have lots of buds, too, but will probably be a few days before they open yet. The grass has turned a lot more green and is getting long in places. Soon time for the first mow!

Happy knitting!


Blogger Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

Your Ma in law socks look gorgeous!! I really like the colours in them.

It was sunny and cool here today. The last several days have been very rainy and extremely windy. I read in the paper that there will only be another day or so of the "nice" weather, and then it's going to get cold...I hope not. Some system is moving in I guess...

10:13 PM  
Blogger Donna M said...

I hate that when I can't find a needle! And yet you know it is there somewhere.
The socks look good...your MIL will love them!

3:03 PM  
Blogger Ragan said...

Lovely pictures! I love those socks! They are great!!! The colors are wonderful!

4:27 PM  

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