Christmas Interlude
I still have a big whole in my yard. It is supposed to be getting filled in on Monday. Dad figured he'd better leave it open for the weekend to make sure everything was running okay. I've done a lot of laundry, and there have been several baths and stuff, so far so good. He has to go away to work tomorrow or Monday, so when he gets back we are going to cement in the drain in the rec room. (That's a big, square drain. Man, when we hauled the top off that it was just like something from a horror movie -- I'd never subject my readers to looking at pictures of it. I would have liked to have gotten my camera, though, and video Hubs gagging as he tried to clean it out. He has a weak stomach, it was quite amusing. That is, til it was my turn.) Dad says to do the other drain as well, we'll see. If we do that, and I have another problem with the sewer then I may not know til the toilet overflows. (Personally I'd rather have some backup in the back room of the basement rather than all over my bathroom floor.)
Off of the gross subject of the past couple of days...
I forgot, but last Saturday it was the local fire department kids Christmas party. (For kids in current members and honorary members families.) The Littlest One was running around too much to get many pictures. They have tables set up for cookie decorating, ornament making, and coloring. They also have hot dogs, ice cream, chocolate and white milk, and pop. Here's the Oldest One making a cookie.
Glad your sewer problem is getting resolved and thank you for no more gory pictures, I nearly lost my breakfast reading your previous post!! :))
Those pictures were all just stinky water. Be thankful I didn't post that rec room drain picture -- that was too gross for blog content, lol!
Those cookies look so yummy!
Looks like the boys a had good time .Yummy cookies !
Good luck with the sewer drain , may all your troubles be over!
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